Do you want to boost your confidence, wellbeing and productivity at the same time?
You are in the right place! Let's get to the root of it.

I help academics overcome self-doubt, impostor syndrome, perfectionism, procrastination, stress, and burn-out using the methodology "three pillars of resilience".

Currently I'm offering (online) one-on-one coaching.
Stay tuned for the online courses and group coaching programmes that will start again in the future.

Please Book a FREE Discovery Call Below 

Three Pillars of Resilience

Feel your Feelings

You will learn the relationship between your feelings and the way you think and act in life. You will master your ability to feel your feelings - which will give you the strong foundation to managing your mind.

Manage your Mind

You will learn how the way you think creates the outcomes in your life. You will master your ability to manage your mind - which will give you the power to change your mindset. You will become the master of your mind, not its slave.

Increase your Capacity

While you learn how to feel your feelings and manage your mind, you will also learn how to continutously increase your capacity to take on and achieve more. You will become more resilient and master of your own life.

What my clients say about me?

"There are many things I could say about my sessions with Özgün, but "eye-opening" would be a perfect description of my talks with her. Throughout the five sessions I had with her, I've felt many emotions ranging from being open, curious, vulnerable, and uncomfortable, but most importantly, I've felt understood and accepted. Our sessions were a space where it was very safe to open up and talk about struggles and embrace the knowledge she offered. Her questions and guidance along the way made me see things from a different perspective, and realize how a shift in perspective could help me achieve my goals in a sustainable manner, without risking my well-being. Özgün is really good at asking questions that hit the spot and she is very clear in delivering her message. Overall, her knowledge, positivity, openness, and willingness to help made our sessions a wonderful learning experience for me! Thank you Özgün, for all the challenging questions, for being someone I can relate to, and for making me discover myself 😊"

P. O.
Ph.D. Researcher - Belgium

"Özgün helped me take on emotional and practical struggles step by step at a time when I was really lost and overwhelmed. I am grateful I had the coaching sessions as a regular check-in while figuring out work and life. The combination of active listening, insightful talking and kindly holding me accountable were really useful for me. Concrete tools and suggestions, never enforced but always encouraged, went hand in hand with personal advice and more underlying insights into emotion, stress, etc. Özgün's familiarity with the challenges specific to academic environments and PhD work was a real benefit for me and made me feel understood. She helped me see I could look for sustainable good habits both proactively and with kindness and care for myself."

Ph.D. Researcher - Belgium

"Intellectual people usually feel at ease with their intellectual peers. That is what I could feel with Özgün. I am very happy that I followed a friend's advice that led me to Özgün. After meeting with different coaches I can tell that Özgün has unique things to offer, mainly being pragmatic, provide a prospect and tools to overcome the problem instead of theory and most importantly gives ideas that have `depth`. Psychological and philosophical depth of an advice is very important for someone like me and that helps my mind to accept the advice quicker.
I definitely would recommend Özgün without any blink of doubt."

Ahmed A.
Ph.D. Researcher - Belgium

"Ozgun is a really good listener and quite observant. She was able to catch the subtle discrepancies in my thinking and via her line of questioning helped me identify the root of the issue I was facing."

Neel N.
Ph.D. Researcher - Netherlands

"I am discovering that the challenges and frustrations that academic and scientific life have can be so hard. It is great there are people like Özgün willing to accompany you and offer their valuable time and help to arm you with tools that allow us to overcome our own limits. Özgün is an open person, an attentive listener, and positive."

Ana N.
Professor - Mexico

"Dr. Unver was great at spotting my weaknesses and strengths. She helped me see things about me which I wasn’t aware of (personally and academically). Apart from that, she has such a pleasant personality, I could easily talk to her and she acknowledged how I feel perfectly.
She is a fantastic academic coach who can spot one’s issues in great detail. I am very lucky to get to know and have received a session from her. I would strongly recommend Dr. Unver to anyone who needs mind ease and well-being support during academic life."

Hande M.
Ph.D. student - Spain

"I found Özgün to be welcoming and engaging during our session. She listened closely and empathically and was able to provide a supportive space to discuss a range of challenges in academia. Her thoughtful questions opened up some productive ways of taking the conversation further."

Naomi H.
Lecturer - United Kingdom

"Özgün is a really attentive listener, she paid attention to each word I used and how they could be perceived by others. We had an in-depth conversation about the relationship with my manager and how communication could be improved. Some insight about how I perceive myself and others was provided. A very positive experience."

Sophie G.
Researcher (industry) - United Kingdom

"The coaching sessions with Özgün, honestly, were great. Özgün allows you to share your thoughts with clarity.  I learned that I was making an effort and should continue to do the same. Her coaching provided conviction and was supportive."

Bijoya R.
Professor - India

"The session with Özgün was very insightful. Logically in my mind, I know what I want. The hard part is to get there. However, I gained a different perspective due to the coaching session with Özgün. She showed me ways to look at my obstacles from another point of view.  I'm a relatively shy person. However, I felt very welcome and safe to open up from the first moment.
Özgün is an excellent listener and asked the right questions to help me gain new insights. She also gave great advice on different techniques I can try out. All in all, Özgün was very supportive, and I felt understood. Totally recommended!"

Christin R.
Psychology student - Germany

"Özgün is good at reflecting, summarizing the main point, and in between zipping into the concern, and questioning it.  She pinpoints the distinctions that are not verbalized but are being said. Thank you." 

Loreta P.
CEO - Lithuania

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope, I'm not a psychologist, nor a therapist.

In a nutshell, the major difference between therapy and coaching is the following:
Therapy tackles your past, your traumas, and if applicable, your mental illness.
Coaching, takes you from today to the tomorrow that you want to go to, while giving you the insights, tools and techniques to reach your destination via a less bumpy road.

If you have experienced major trauma, mental illness, and/or issues with regard to your "past", you need to seek help from a mental health professional.
If you are feeling empowered enough to make your own decisions, create your own future, and become more efficient and confident along the way, coaching is right for you. Coaching can also go hand-in-hand with therapy.

If in doubt, talk to your GP or a psychologist about what your needs may be. Coaches are not trained mental health professionals and do not have the license to treat people with mental health challenges.

Besides having lived experience of burnout, I have a strong training background (theory and practice) in stress physiology and psychology, as well as burnout and mindset coaching.

In my practice, I combine techniques from Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as well as mindfulness, breathing, movement, and state-of-the-art nervous system regulation methods.

I'm also a member of the VESB (Association of Certified Stress and Burnout Coaches) active in Belgium and the Netherlands. (Check out my profile.)

In summary, if you're looking for a holistic practitioner, I'm your person.

Yes, I am.

I am aware that anyone and everyone may have a history of trauma and coaching around burnout and/or mindset needs to be tailored to the specific history and needs of the individual.
My practice is built on psychological safety, mutual trust, choice, empowerment, and collaboration. We work together and depending on the focus of the session, I take the role of a coach or a mentor.

However, being trauma-informed does not mean that I'm equipped to tackle psychological problems like a psychotherapist does. 

Glad you asked!

We will set up a meeting schedule (weekly or biweekly) and a working plan to get you where you want to go.

Coaching sessions take place online.

It depends! (Are you even surprised to get this answer?)

It depends on whether you need support with stress management, burnout prevention, burnout recovery, or any other mindset-related questions.
While 7-10 sessions may be enough for some, for others, 10+ sessions are necessary.

To walk away with the ability to coach yourself further down the line, minimum 10 sessions are recommended.

No. Even though I specialise in helping (ex-/alt-) academics, if you are interested in working with me, go ahead and book a discovery call!

It is possible to cancel/reschedule a session via email only up to 48 hours (2 days) before the appointment - unless it is force majeure.