Bounce Back from Burnout (March 2023)

Stop burnout in its tracks! (5 - 31 March 2023)

Academic? Burned-out?

Confused as to how you can bounce back from burnout and (re)find your motivation, productivity, and balance?

You're in the right place!

Join my four-week online course "Bounce Back from Burnout"!

For whom is this course?

This online course is ideal for academics who have
lost their energy, zest for life and work, clarity, and passion...

It is equally applicable for junior or senior academics.


The last thing you need is overwhelm, and I know that. So all the information you will receive is bite-sized.

Weekly Q&A

You won't be left alone with the questions in your head. Weekly Q&A sessions will give you clarity.


You're not the only one who is struggling, and you will feel that strongly in this course.


Nothing less than science-based no-nonsense information for a community of researchers.


Each and every week, you'll receive actionable recommendations, not 'dry' information.


Your 'homework' will challenge you - and that is exactly what will lead to a breakthrough.

If you enroll in BBfB, you will

  • Find out if you are burnt out 
  • Learn to manage your stress 
  • Improve your emotional intelligence 
  • Figure out your priorities 
  • See if you are in the right career
  • Kickstart your healing process instead of feeling stuck

This is HOW BBfB will support you:

  • Weekly bite-sized content released every Sunday
  • Weekly Q&A and group coaching every Wednesday
  • Actionable and implementable lessons
  • Hands-on assignments
  • Community forum to ask questions
  • Solidarity with other BBfB participants

You will also get

  • Mobile access to the course material and community forum (yes, access everything via an App!) 
  • Course material and the forum hosted on a third-party website
  • Possibility to follow the content anonymously*
    * The group experience is recommended but I understand that some participants prefer to stay anonymous.

Enrolment closes in


week 1

WHERE you are

During the first week, we take stock of where YOU are in terms of stress, overwhelm, and possibly, burnout. 

week 2

WHY you are here

During the second week, we delve deeper into the reasons why you ended up where you currently are. 

week 3

WHAT you need

Your needs are unique. In this third week, we will focus on the various needs you may or may not have and start making an action plan.

week 4

HOW you can bounce back

Time to integrate what you've learned so far. During the fourth week, we finalise your action plan and dive deeper into how you can recover.

Giving Forward to the Earthquake victims

100% of the profits from the sales of this course will be donated to the victims of the Turkey-Syria Earthquakes that happened on 6 February 2023.

Testimonials from the BBFB Alumni

“This course shifted my mindset very profoundly. It's given me time and space to think about very specific changes I want and need to make. I have a very clear plan.”

Prof. Melanie Simms

“By the end of the course you will have your journal filled with ideas to get out of stress and overwhelm. And you will have a new outlook on your worklife.” 


“This is the type of course/experience that you don't know you need. You are mind blown by the insightful and eye opening information that Özgün is sharing during the course.” 


“This course was a game changer! I've overcome burnout in the past, but I never fully understood the mechanisms behind it - and I relapsed when I returned to my lecturer job. Özgün not only knows her stuff, she also helps others in a non-judgmental, and often funny way. The videos are to the point, easy to follow, and never overwhelming.” 

Dr. Nicole Janz
Writer & Coach

“I was in a state of freeze and flight at the same time. No energy, and no motivation. This course made me set aside time to think about my situation, identify it as burn out (along with some other issues), and reflect on what I want out of life. Without the course I might have kept pushing on to breaking point. Now I have set aside time each week for reflection and for me.”

Artist & Associate Professor

“Bounce Back from Burnout was an excellent course and programme and I am so glad I participated in it. I encourage you to take part also, if you feel like you need help or if you feel like you're drowning. Özgün is gentle and kind and encouraging, but doesn't enable or patronise. She calls you out on your bad habits and on your negative self talk but will never belittle you or make you feel less than while doing so. She created a community that reflected this as well, as that was the interaction I experienced with everyone else who took part in it also.”

PhD Researcher

“It gave me perspective I had not considered previously; and I am a person who has been in weekly therapy for over a year related to a breakdown.”


“I am extremely glad and grateful to find a group of great people and also the tips and tricks in the course made me think a lot. Also I learnt that bouncing back is not a one day job, it is gonna be hard and it requires active effort to get there.”


“At the end of the course you might even see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you'll also know that it's going to take time to reach that light. This is no quick fix - but that's not what it is meant to be. It took a long time to burnout; there's no easy way out, but this course will help you to illuminate the path. ”


“I learned that burnout is a specific thing. I have heard academic coaches talk about burnout before, and saying things like "Rest and take time out", but I think Özgün is the first one I have heard of, that actually explains what burnout is.”


Course Pricing

Pay Forward


  • Sponsor a participant with less means

Enroll Now
Most popular

Full Price


  • Pay the full price of the course

Enroll Now

Pay What You Can


  • In case you have financial difficulties

Enroll Now

Frequently Asked Questions

While it is a good complementary programme, Bounce Back from Burnout is not a substitute for private 1-on-1 coaching.

BBfB is a course combining education and coaching in an affordable manner.
You can combine this programme with 1-on-1 coaching for the best results. 

Bounce Back from Burnout is a live cohort programme where everyone starts at the same time. The course videos are pre-recorded, while the weekly Q&A sessions and private community discussions happen real-time.

The course will officially start on Sunday 5 March and finish on Friday 31 March.

Live Q&A sessions will usually take place on Wednesdays at 17.00 CET, unless stated otherwise.
During this time, the online community forum will be active where you will be able to ask questions any time.

It will probably take around 2-to-3 hours per week for you to complete all of the course material - including the lessons, exercises, and coaching calls. 

No problem! All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the course platform within 24 hours.

Yes! The transcripts of all audio material will be provided in the course platform.

Yes! All material will be downloadable.

Everyone who enrolls will receive access to the private online community forum. This forum is hosted on the same web interface as the course platform that you can also access via an app (so, no social media or other questionable platforms).

If you choose to post on this community forum, note that other participants will be able to see your name and the content you post. However, you do not have to interact with other participants, if you don't want to. 

You will be able to access the course material as long as I keep hosting my content on this platform, which may be a decade down the line or not.

The course material will be available at least until 10 February 2024; this much is guaranteed.

If you're not satisfied within the first week of BBfB, you can unsubscribe from the course and receive your money back.

The course starts on Sunday 5 March; so, any time before Friday 10 March 2023 17.00 CET, you can apply for a refund.
No hard feelings, no questions asked. (Though, I'd love to hear feedback on how I could have improved your experience.)

All you need to do is email at MindYourOwnRevisions[at]

Feel free to drop me a line at MindYourOwnRevisions[at] and I'll get back to you ASAP.